Launching Ceremony of the China-aided Project of Rehabilitation of the Sierra Leone National Stadium

Launching Ceremony of the China-aided Project of Rehabilitation of the Sierra Leone National Stadium

On February 25, 2022, the Launching Ceremony of the China-aided Project of Rehabilitation of the Sierra Leone National Stadium was held in Freetown. H.E. Hu Zhangliang, Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Honorable Minister of Planning and Economic Development Dr. Francis Mustapha Kaikai, Honorable Minister of Sports Mr. Ibrahim Nyelenkeh and other distinguished ladies and gentlemen attended the ceremony.

Ambassador Hu said that H.E. President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of China-Sierra Leone relations. He pointed out that the rehabilitation of the stadium is another milestone in the course of China-Sierra Leone cordial relationship and practical cooperation. Ambassador Hu averred that, after the rehabilitation, the stadium will be brand new and contribute immensely again to sports development in Sierra Leone. The Ambassador said that the Chinese side will as always demonstrate utmost sincerity to Sierra Leone while conducting cooperation, walk the talk, keep promise, let facts speak for themselves and prove herself to be a reliable friend instead of paying lip services or imposing her own will onto others.

Honorable Minister Kaikai extended sincere thanks to H.E. President Xi Jinping and the Chinese government and people on behalf of H.E. President Julius Maada Bio and the government and people of Sierra Leone. He said that China is a true friend and the past 50 years of Sierra Leone-China relationship is based on mutual respect, trust, unity of direction, development and promotion of common interest. He assured the Ambassador that the Sierra Leonean side will continue to work closely with the Chinese side to further promote the high quality friendly relations between the two countries.

Honorable Minister Ibrahim Nyelenkeh and other dignitaries expressed their sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Chinese government and people for the great support to sports development in Sierra Leone. They looked forward to the hand over of the rehabilitated stadium after the agreed two years’ period.

Honorable Minister Kaikai and Ambassador Hu then jointly turned the sod to officially launch the Rehabilitation Project.

The National Stadium was built by China for Sierra Leone under the former’s government grant and put into use in 1979. The rehabilitation work will include the restoration, reinforcement and redecoration of the main stadium, the swimming pool and its ancillary facilities, the renovation of the athletes’ hostel, the construction of more than 1,200 square meters of new buildings and facilities, the renewal of drainage, power distribution, ventilation and air conditioning, the installation of a new display screen, artificial turf, synthetic rubber racing track and new lighting equipment, etc. The 572-square-meter ring road surrounding the stadium will also be refurbished.

By then, the stadium will be revitalized to one of the most modern and comprehensive stadiums in Africa, extending its service life by at least another 30 years and creating conditions for Sierra Leone to host sports events of international standards, including the Africa Cup of Nations in the future.

Spreading the Chinese Culture to the world

Spreading the Chinese Culture to the world

This week I am very touched, especially because we have five schools around the world where children can learn simple Chinese from the age of five. Although there are Confucius institutes around the world, there has never been a place where children from five to twelve can learn the Chinese language.   This is the first time that I did it, thanks to everyone’s support and help. I don’t have a lot of money but I’m very passionate about spreading Chinese culture. 

Our leader said, If you want to be my friend, You have to know me first. Language barrier has always been the biggest obstacle in China-African relations. If Africans can speak Chinese, they will understand Chinese people and will love china more and Chinese people will also understand them better. I believe that the future of the world belongs to children, and we need to start from the children. In the future, the friendship, cooperation, and development of the Chinese and African people will be carried on by the children. It will be wonderful if children can start learning simple Chinese at a younger age so that at the age of 12 and above, they will start studying more professionally, just like in Confucius institute and universities, and will not be afraid to have more in-depth knowledge. This way, when some people want to travel to china they will know where to go, where to do business and how to bargain. Students will also know how to make purchases. I think this is my approach and our Chinese Ambassador in Sierra Leone and the Deputy Minister of Education of the State Council are also very supportive.

I am grateful to the Confucius Institute for arranging professional teachers to help us start teaching children and to train our teachers. I would also like to thank the leadership and team of the Chinese People’s Association for Foreign Affairs, which has been helping me with this in Sierra Leone. On behalf of the SCAFA, I want to thank them for all the help they have given me in China. I also want to thank Simao (Beijing) Culture and Art Co., Ltd., my brother Cheng Zhonghe, Luo Wen, Nika, Yego, all of you.

Wow a great history I made for our beloved Africa and China in ( Sierra Leone ). The first in history to have 5 to start this week smallsmallchinese ( simple way of vocabulary chinese/ English in the world.ago from 5to 12 or 13years. Am proud but I really want to thank all the people that help me with out ur help my ideas should be nothing. So thx u all. And as I Alway sayI’ll continue my dreams” to make Africa China proud”. Pls share and I look forward to work with everyone that have the same thinking . It will be all over Africa country’s soon or later need ur support. Thank you Xiexie. Pls check on all out social media links. Type( smallsmallchinese.) Alway smile


ACL Fully Represented at The Opening and Closing Ceremony of the Winter Olympics

ACL Fully Represented at The Opening and Closing Ceremony of the Winter Olympics

ACL was fully represented at the opening and closing ceremony of the just concluded Beijing Winter Olympics

First of all, I would like to thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign countries as the founder of ACL to be part of the winter games closing,. Yesterday’s closing ceremony was so wonderful. I also want to thank director Zhang Yimou and all the volunteers. I want to thank President Xi and his wife for being so warm and so kind to us. We would like to thank him, his wife and all of you. Thanks to all the athletes, although they left, but the International Olympic Committee leader said that the Winter Olympics is the first time to host so well, He hopes the world can watch the opening and closing ceremonies, hope the Olympic Games can bring peace to the world, the people of the world understand each other, support each other and help each other. The Winter Olympics is a great success. I wish all the athletes who come to China will not forget the Olympic spirit and the happy time in China. The next winter games are held in Italy. We look forward to the meeting in 2026. I wish China a better and better future. Thank you to all the Chinese people. I love you, the closing ceremony was great, thank you to the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, I loved you, Maria will continue to work hard to promote the culture of China and Africa, long live peace, this is the wish of the people in China, the people all over the world.

Also thank the Chinese government to invite us ACL on the open of the winter Olympic in Olympic Winter games 2022 china Beijing.

Chinese Contractors Begin Work on One of the DR Congo’s Most Important Roadways

Chinese Contractors Begin Work on One of the DR Congo’s Most Important Roadways

Chinese contractors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo kicked off an upgrade of National Route 1 (RN1), arguably the country’s most important highway. It begins in the capital Kinshasa in the far West and snakes 2,000+ kilometers to the southern hub of Lubumbashi.

The China Jiangxi company announced that it would be refurbishing only a small 96-kilometer portion of the highway from Kinshasa to Batshamba. The project is part of a larger $32 million agreement with two other Chinese contractors, Sinohydro and China First Highway Engineering Company, to upgrade different sections of RN1.

Al Jazeera: UAE Providing Ethiopia Use of Chinese Made Wing-Loong II Drones

Al Jazeera: UAE Providing Ethiopia Use of Chinese Made Wing-Loong II Drones

Recent gains by Ethiopian government troops in pushing back Tigrayan opposition forces may have been helped by the use of sophisticated unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from Turkey, Iran, and China, according to satellite photos seen by Al Jazeera. The role of the UAE is particularly important, because it might have provided a conduit for the Chinese-made Wing Loong II unarmed reconnaissance drones that have been spotted in Ethiopia.

Analysts say the Wing Loong II is an especially potent tool as it can operate at much higher altitudes, well out of range of Tigrayan anti-aircraft weapons, and can serve as a precise target designator for short-range ballistic missiles, many of which incidentally have been imported from China.

Hong Kong YouTuber Goes All the Way to South Africa to Find Out Why the $#*&^? Chinese People Moved There

Hong Kong YouTuber Goes All the Way to South Africa to Find Out Why the $#*&^? Chinese People Moved There

Popular Hong Kong travel YouTuber Torres Pit托哥 recently went to Johannesburg to find out why so many Chinese people have chosen to live in South Africa.

What’s interesting is how readily and openly Chinese merchants in Joburg’s comparatively small Chinatown opened up to Torres and answered his questions about their personal journeys from China to Africa.